Monday, November 29, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I feel much better!


78.5 kg..


59 kg!!!!!

want more!!!!
50kg - 54kg!

I know Premium Beautiful can help me!!! :)

CALL ME on how i did it! Consultation is FOC! :)

ika - 012-6690239

email/chat -

How to wear Premium Beautiful

The right sequence:

1) Wear Long Girdle
2) Wear Long Bra
3) Wear Waist Nipper

Wearing the Long Girdle

1. First, fold the girdle length in two halves, fold the edges legs of the girdle once.
2. Pull the girdle up through your legs carefully. Nails that are too long or pulling too hard can easily damage the fabric and reduce its function.
3. Upon wearing, hold the girdle with one hand on the outside for support while reaching the other hand inside the girdle to lift up the bulges in the flesh. The bulges on the inside of the thigh should be pushed toward the back and lifted up.
4. Lightly adjust the front and back levels of the girdle to the waist line.
*Note: Remember to wear panties inside the girdle: You must reach you hand into the girdle to adjust the bulges.

Wearing the Long Bra

1. Bend your waist at a 45° angle with your body inclined downwards. Put on the garment from the bottom up with both hands holding the lower side of the cups. Place your breast inside the cups.
2. Maintaining the same position, move your hands to the back an hook up the back hooks. Ensure that the straps are located firmly on the shoulder blades.
3. Straighten you body. Holding your left breast with you left hand, place your right hand to the left side of your back. Push extra flesh into the breast cup. Quickly move your left hand upwards to hold the strap adjuster and tighten your strap line with your right hand. Make sure that the Breast point is in the center of the cup, comfortably resting at the front center.
4. Move your arms and shoulders up and down to make sure that the side line below the cup does not move about.

Wearing the Waist Nipper

1. Bring the zip of the waist nipper to the left front of your waist, zip up from the bottom, ensuring that the top edge of the girdle is right below the edge of the bra.
2. Make sure that the center of the waist nipper is in line with the center of the bra.
3. Tie the strings properly adjusting the tightness.
4. Pull the hooks to the front of your tummy and hook up.
5. The string in the holes must line up horizontally.
*Note: After dinner, you need to readjust once more. Upon being fully dressed, twist and turn your body a little to ensure that you are comfortable

For BM Translation:


1.Long Girdle (Seluar Dalam Panjang)

2.Long Brassiere (Coli Panjang)

3. Waist Nipper (Bengkung Pinggang)

Long Girdle (Seluar Dalam Panjang)

  1. Lipatkan bahagian pinggang dan kaki girdle.
  2. Sarungkan ke badan seperti memakai seluar dalam.
  3. Masukkan tangan di bahagian punggung, paha depan & belakang dan tarik lebihan lemak ke atas.
  4. Perbetulkan kedudukannya agar selesa.

Long Bra (Coli Panjang)

  1. Sarungkan bra ke badan & kemaskan (longgokkan) payu dara ke dalam cawan bra.
  2. Pasangkan cangkuk di bahagian belakang.
  3. Bongkukkan badan.
  4. Tarik semua lebihan lemak dibawah ketiak & dibawah lengan dan bawa ke hadapan, masukkan ke dalam cawan bra.
  5. Laraskan tali bra & kemaskan bra 'cup' supaya dapat kedudukan yang selesa.
  6. Betulkan kedudukan bra di tahap keselesaan anda.
  7. Pastikan batu permata berada betul-betul ditengah dada.

Waist Nipper (Bengkung Pinggang)

  1. Kedudukan bengkung, pastikan 'batu permata' berada betul-betul ditengah badan.
  2. Pasang kesemua cangkuk (position cangkuk memang di tepi badan).
  3. Betulkan kedudukannya.
  4. Pegang tali.
  5. Silangkan tali di belakang, tahan nafas & tarik tali (membawa kesan pinggang meramping) dan bawa cangkuk kehadapan.
  6. Cangkukkan ikut keselesaan. Pastikan ianya selesa

Monday, November 8, 2010

Payment through Credit Card


For Credit Card merchandiser appointed by Hai-o Marketing Sdn Bhd only

Email the following details to : / sms to 012 6690239
  • Cardholder Name :................................................................
  • I/C Cardholder No(New) :....................................................
  • Card No (16 digid):_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • Name of the Bank :..................................................................
  • Visa (V) or Mastercard (MC): ................
  • 3 last no at the back card (cvv2): _ _ _
  • Card Expiry (M/Y) :__/__
  • Cardholder's home address:.................................................
  • Cardholder's HP No:_ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • Cardholder Office Tel No; _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • Cardholder Home Tel No;_ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  • Name & Address to deliver the PB:.................................................
Once payment is cleared, the PB will be delivered to the address given.

PB increases milk supply!

Good news to all breastfeeding mothers!!
Premium Beautiful's Bra helps to increase milk supply!
Believe it or not, it's true!!

Currently, I am still breastfeeding my baby aged 7 months plus. I am a 200% breastfeeding supporter! :)

Mula2 memang susah nk percaya, but after experienced wearing it, my milk supply makin bertambah n masalah susu beku dah takde lagi!! Dan aliran susu semakin lancar!! yeay!! :)

Premium Beautiful - direkacipta sesuai bagi yang menyusu badan. Beberapa keajaiban memakai Premium Beautiful untuk mereka yang menyusukan:

1) Susu badan tidak akan mengering malahan produksi susu badan menjadi semakin lancar..

2) Anda tidak akan merasai pembekakan susu jika berlaku gap penyusuan kerana cup Premium Beautiful menyeimbangkan pembesaran buah dada dan produksi susu.

3) Payudara anda tidak akan jatuh, malah akan up-lift dgn pemakaian PB. Ini berbeza sekali dengan pemakaian bra biasa yang memberi kesan menekan kebawah yang akan memburukkan keadaan dimana payudara akan jatuh tanpa sedar.

4) Sesiapa yang mengalami payudara yang lembik akan pejal dengan Premium Beautiful.

5) Ciri-ciri long bra Premium Beautiful -'designated specifically for nursing'. -

i) cara penggunaan hanya tarik cup kebawah -mudah dan cepat. Bayi anda tidak akan menunggu lama. Payudara anda akan diampu oleh cup jadi ia tidak akan 'jatuh'
ii) bra cup yang elastik boleh menampung saiz payudara yang 1 size lagi besar. Jika susu datang payudara anda akan membesar 1size.
iii) Bra yang tidak ketat -boleh menganjal dan tidak menghadkan tumbesaran payudara, ini berbeza dengan nursing bra yang lain yang boleh menyebabkan jangkitan kuman dan kesan tidak selesa pada si pemakai.
iv) Cup Premium Beautiful adalah bersifat kapas 'cotton bra' yang mana memberikesan selesa dan boleh bernafas kepada payudara anda yang mengandungi susu.

So, all the best to all breastfeeding mothers!

Current PB price

Normal price

Small range : RM2,400

Big range : RM2,600

Current special price!!!!

Small range : RM2,000 + extra rebate!!

Big range : RM2,200 + extra rebate!!

The rebate is for limited time only!!

Instalment can be arranged!

Back pain and slipped disc

Have you ever suffered from back pain? or slipped disc?

So far i tak penah kene lagi cume setakat sakit2 pinggang biasa tu adela. And by using PB, sakit pinggang i terus hilang! And my friend Ani yg forever slim mcm anak dara just commented in my FB yg dia selalu kene sakit belakang ni and her hubby bought a set of PB for her last year and alhamdulillah, masalah sakit belakang dia terus hilang!!! Sape kata pakai PB hanya untuk kurus aje?? :) :) :)

And nk tak tahu kenapa pemakaian PB is so useful to those who are suffering from back pain?

Read this fact:

Sinaran FIR dipancarkan terus kedalam kulit dan daging sehingga jauh ke dalam tisu tulang. Ianya sinaran yang amat bermanfaat, kesan pemanasan yang lembut keatas tisu semulajadi badan. Kesan pemanasan ini, salur darah dikembangkan, melancaran aliran darah. Maka terjadilah kejaiban toksid dinyahkan, lebih banyak & kecekapan oksigen dibawa dalam darah. Darah yang kaya dengan oksigen mempercepatkan penyembuhan sebarang penyakit (body own natural healing process). Jangan tangguh lagi, pakailah Premium Beautiful. The pain -just melt away. ;)

And the best part is PB dapat Pengiktirafan dunia Persatuan Chiropractic Dunia!! (Chiropractic :"kaedah penjagaan tulang belakang tanpa pembedahan..")

from America

from Quebec

from Canada

So what are you waiting for?? Grab one for yourself! Worth buying and no surgery!!

What so special about PB???

It's the Far Infrared Ray (FIR)!!! :)

Here's the article on the fashion's facts!

"Gabungan Fabrik AKWATEK, AWKADYE dan FIR dalam set Premium Beautiful"

Kenali Cahaya Infrared

Bagaimana FIR berfungsi? Ia melalui :

FIR menembusi kulit
Tindakan resonan ke atas molekul air
Molekul bergetar lebih kuat
Lebih banyak tenaga digunakan
Lebih banyak haba dihasilkan
Salur darah mengembang
Peraliran darah lancar
Penghantaran nutrient dan pembuangan toksid menjadi efisyien

Sel-sel lebih aktif

Keistimewaan Teknologi FIR!!

1) Membantu dan membetulkan dan memulihkan sistem saraf

2) Membantu dan membetulkan saluran darah arteri, kapilari dan pembuluh utama

3) Membantu memperbetulkan dan memulihkan sistem pernafasan

4) Membantu meningkatkan kadar metabolisme

5) Membantu mengurangkan lemak, bahan kimia dan toksin, kandungan asid dalam darah

6) Membantu mengeluarkan peluh asid dalam tubuh badan

7) Membantu menggalakkan tumbesaran lebih teratur dan sempurna

8) Membantu mencegah pertumbuhan bakteria

9) Membantu menghilangkan rasa kesakitan pada tubuh badan

10) Membantu menghilangkan kulat dan fungus (keputihan)

11) Membantu menghilangkan bau badan yang kurang menyenangkan

12) Membantu membersihkan aliran udara serta menghilangkan masalah muka sembam/hitam

13) Membantu mengekalkan kepanasan suhu dalam badan

14) Membantu mengekalkan dan meningkatkan tenaga

15) Membantu menjadikan tidur lebih nenyak dan selesa (hilangkan penyakit insomnia)

16) Membantu mengaktifkan air dalam tubuh

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Premium Beautiful - Introduction

PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL FOUNDATION LINGERIE - creating a perfect contour and well-balanced posture. Ensure that you can achieve immediate desirable results safely without medication and operation.

Consists of 3 pieces:

Long Brassiere


1. The unique 3 piece dimensional clipping cups designed to push up, support and provide firmness to chest.

2. Steel cartilage effectively provides firmness and support.

3. BI - layer depression and tightness designed to flatten abdomen and enhance breasts natural shape at optimum.

4. 2 ultra - soft wire coils help to slim down body, enhance and firm up body contour.

5. The design of BI - layer depression and tightness enables to the reshape of excessive fat around the back, thus to attain an attractive figure.

6. Unique ' U ' shapes at the back not only serves as slimming purpose, but also outlines the back contour effectively.

7. Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product.

8. Three pairs of Hook - and - Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility.

Waist Nipper


1.Made of seven pieces of 'smart technology' wires. It provides support to waist comfortable as well as upholds the backbone and straightens posture firmly.

2.The unique body shape design, transfers the fat from waist to the breasts and buttocks accordingly, thus to create a perfect and well - balanced contour.

3.The imported string from Japan enables the forming of an exquisite waist contour.

4.The flexible cutting design created a perfect contour individually.

5.Three pairs of Hook - and Eye give you safe and comfortable flexibility.

6.Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness of the product.

Long Girdle


1.The 32 piece stereoscopic cutting design, based on 'Fragmentary Pressure Compression Theory' will effectively divert displaced fat to its original position.

2.Unique hip cup cutting and design will effectively rectify the sagging buttocks, enhance the hip curve and prop - up - hip.

3.Detached contour thigh and buttocks divert excessive fat around the thigh into the hip cup, attaining attractive hip contour.

4.Cotton on the waist of girdle provides comfort and enhances waist curve.

5.Diamond butterfly serves as an ornament to protrude the exclusiveness to the product.

6.The fixed pressure compression at the abdomen reduces the excessive fat, thus to flatten the abdomen.

7.BI - layer pressure compression design helps to adjust excessive fat around thighs, thus to develop slimmer legs.

8.Holey Bi - layer cotton provides comfort while wearing.

9.Flexible laces avoid any uncomfortable feeling.